Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Thought

I was reading the Bible last night and I was studying about suffering. And one thought that stuck out to me is we have to suffer to go to heaven, but God gives us grace to go through our sufferings. So when when we are going through battles we can remmember that God allows us to go through things to get stronger.

Signing off,

Sorry for Being Silent

Hey, what have yall been up to? I've been purty busy with school so I have not posted for along time. You know the song " It's Beganing to Look A Lot Like Christmas." well to me it dont even look close to Christmas. You would think that in the middle of December it would have at least snowed a couple inches. But I have to remmember we do live in the south. If I could change one thing about the south I would want it to snow more often. So Jonathan about the visting thing, I think it would be a good idea. I better go I need to do my school.

P.S. I remmemberd to sign off Josh.

Signing off,