Child Hood Memories
Here are a few chidhood memories

This is Me and Josiah again at Brandons sixteenth birthday party
Ahh the good memories of chidhood. Sometimes I wish I could go back and be a kid again, but I guess I have to settle with where I am at. Maybe some day I can find some more childhood pictures to put on.
Signing off,
Wow! some people change! Which is cool, I was just giving a fact. I remember the busted lip experiance. It was Awful.
I agree with Ben... That was sickening.
Those were so cute!! I loved the "mister nobodys" birthday. Man why don't we do things like that any more?
I know. we never do anything fun. I think we need to have another mister nobodies birthday. Maybe we can go rafting again this summer.
Yeah,.. I think there maybe have been times when I wouldn't mind going back to my childhood days- when things were so carefree
Time to updat
Hi, Dill Pickle
ok its REALLY timt to update!!!!!!!!!
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